Pet Empowerment Center

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    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.

    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.   “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” — Stephen Hawking I don’t know everything. Hell, I don’t even know most things. And that’s the...

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    The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish

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The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish


I’ve been writing.

Not casually. Not now and then.


Ideas spilling out. Thoughts colliding at the speed of light. The kind of creative flow that feels electric, like something bigger than me is working through my hands.

And yet, none of it has made it out into the world.

Not the way it should.

Because there's been static between me and that “Publish” button.

The Static That’s Been Holding Me Back


Not writer’s block. Not doubt. Not even a lack of conviction.

Just awareness.

Awareness of what happens when you speak the truth. Awareness of what it means to challenge an industry built on control, convenience, and corporate interests, instead of pet well-being.

Awareness that the moment I hit “Publish,” I’m stepping into a room full of people heavily invested in pretending I’m wrong.

Because I know what’s coming.

The vets who treat their textbooks like holy scripture, as if real-world results don’t exist outside of what they were taught in school.

The experts with credentials who will smugly sneer at raw-fed dogs living longer, thriving, outperforming their kibble-fed counterparts all because they weren’t spoon-fed the idea in a controlled lab study funded by the same corporations that sell sickness as a subscription model.

The trolls who don’t even have pets that will argue just for the dopamine hit.

And me?

I feel it all.

I don’t just hear the noise — I absorb it. Every tone. Every micro-shift. Every ounce of bad faith dripping off a comment typed with smug certainty. I carry it.

And that kind of mental weight? It doesn’t just sit on your shoulders. It burrows into your bones. It lingers. It dulls the spark, like carrying a storm inside your head with no way to let the thunder out.

For too long, I let it hold me back, I let the noise win, but not anymore.

Because stepping into that storm is exhausting.

But you know what’s worse?


Because when I don’t speak, the wrong voices win by default.

And I’d rather take the punches than let them go unchallenged.

No More Holding Back — It’s Time to Build.


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” — Albert Einstein


Let’s be clear about something.

We’re not stepping into this fight to argue with the old system.

We’re leaving it behind.

Pure Pawsitivity™️ isn’t here to debate kibble. We’re not here to plead our case to people who have already decided that what they’ve been taught is the final word on truth.

We’re not trying to “fix” an industry that was never built to serve pets in the first place.

We are building something better.

The first true 5IR Pet Wellness Company.

What Does That Even Mean?


The Fifth Industrial Revolution isn’t coming. It’s already here.

4IR was all about automation: AI, data, machine learning.

5IR? It’s about ethics.

Pure Pawsitivity™️is where modern technology meets real values, artificial intelligence meets intention, and science meets purpose.

Because pet wellness isn’t about blind allegiance to science.

It’s about evolution, observation, iteration.

Growth. Together.

We don’t worship outdated textbooks. We don’t trust one-sided studies designed to maintain a broken industry.

We trust results.

Real dogs. Real cats. Real change.

And what do you know?

It’s working.

The Forever Evolving Learner


Nature isn’t broken.

Kibble is the experiment.”


I’ve always been a tinkerer.

When I was a wee lad, when I wasn’t riding bikes outside with my dog Tara, I took apart everything I could get my hands on. All the stuff in my 80s world: boomboxes, Indiglo watches, walkmans, my Atari. Not to break them, although that happened too. I did it to understand them.

That’s how my mind works. Dissect, analyze, rebuild. Find the flaws. Refine the process.

Make it better.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing with pet wellness.

The old system is obsolete. It thrives on band-aid solutions instead of root cause healing. It turns pets into lifelong patients instead of thriving companions. The cracks are showing and the foundation is crumbling.

We are building something new. We are blending the ancient wisdom of nature with modern science.

Have you ever watched a dog on a fresh raw diet? It’s like flipping a switch. Their coat gets shinier, their energy returns, and their digestion regulates.

Because nature isn’t broken.

Kibble is the experiment.

I don’t care how many white coats line up to tell me otherwise. Real-world results will always be louder than industry-backed studies.

Why This Is Personal


I wasn’t always like this.

There was a time when I didn’t question things. When I assumed the “experts” had it all figured out.

Then we got Carlito.

He’s our super tiny, yet brave and charismatic chihuahua. When we rescued him we leaned into it full-heartedly and naively. Boy, did we learn from our tough, scrappy, resilient little man. He taught us more about nutrition than any textbook ever could.

Because when we first got him, we did what any responsible pet owner would do. We walked into the pet store, heads high, ready to give him “the best.”

You know, the one with all the certifications. The one “approved by veterinarians.” The one with all the reassuring buzzwords on the bag.

And it almost killed him.

He got sick, his stomach was a mess, and his coat dulled. He had zero energy, dropped to 3.5 lbs., and we could see his tiny ribs.

I’ll never forget thinking what the actual fuck is happening to our beloved chi-chi?

How is it possible that our dog, our fighter, our survivor was crumbling under the weight of the most expensive, gold-stamped, veterinarian-approved ‘premium’ food money could buy?

That’s when I started questioning everything.

So we switched.

Whole foods. We cooked for our fur babies for a year and a half before we learned that even that was still lacking essential nutrients for our carnivores.

And then…

Raw food. Species-appropriate.

And Carlito? He came back to life!

Right before our eyes!

We Don’t Need to Fight the Old World — We’re Replacing It.


You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

-Buckminster Fuller


This is why I’m finally hitting “Publish.”

Not to convince.

Not to argue.

But to build.

The old world is crumbling. Deuces! ✌️

While they scramble to hold up the ruins, we’re already laying the foundation for something stronger, something real.

A world where pets thrive, not just survive. There’s a big difference.

We’re already gone.

This is the future of pet wellness.

And this is only the beginning!


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