Pet Empowerment Center

  • Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.

    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.

    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.   “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” — Stephen Hawking I don’t know everything. Hell, I don’t even know most things. And that’s the...

  • The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish

    The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish

    __________________________________________________________________________________ I’ve been writing. Not casually. Not now and then. Constantly. Ideas spilling out. Thoughts colliding at the speed of light. The kind of creative flow that feels electric, like something bigger than me is working through my hands. And yet,...

  • A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity!

    A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity!

    A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity! From Coffee to Raw Nutrition! The holiday buzz is here, and we’re celebrating with more than just sales—we’re bringing you 'Pawsitivity' in every sip, every scoop, and every bite! Here’s what we’ve brewed up for...

Sobriety Was My Path to Pure Pawsitivity™️

Sobriety Was My Path to Pure Pawsitivity™️

Ever wonder what happens when you quit drinking not just for yourself, but for the ones you love? For years, I begged the universe, God, Allah, [insert belief structure here], to give me the strength to quit drinking. I simply couldn’t muster it on my own. Decades passed, and the weight of alcohol kept me trapped. But one day, I grabbed the reins, freed myself from self-pity, and stopped feeling sorry for myself. My entire world opened up.

I recently crossed the 775-day mark on this journey, and I’ll do my best to explain what’s happened since it began.



"Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life."

– Akshay Dubey


Photos by author.
“Sorry babe, the collage creator cut you out.”🙆🤷 



A Quest for Mental Health


"The only skill you need is the will to keep moving forward."

I’ve been on a quest for mental health, which has recently brought me more stability than ever before. But let’s be real: healing isn’t easy and it’s not a straight road. With enough time, though, I believe all wounds can heal. As cliché as it sounds, here’s the harsh reality: it’s just you, the path, and the choice to keep going no matter what. No fairy godmother, no lottery win, and no quick fix. Life will just keep piling on the challenges like grandma stacking your plate at Sunday dinner.


The only skill you need is the will to keep moving forward. Things work out the way they’re meant to. If you can learn patience, you’ll stop suffocating under your doubt and start to breathe. 



Image by author using Midjourney.



Sobriety: The Body’s Clean-Up Crew

But sobriety didn’t  just heal my mind, it transformed my entire body! 

Time to get brutally honest for a second. Alcohol is the ultimate con artist for your body. It’s a depressant that messes with brain chemistry, slowing down neurotransmitter functions and tanking serotonin and dopamine levels. Sure, it gives you a brief “buzz,” but you pay for it later in the form of anxiety, irritability, and disrupted sleep. It’s like a payday loan for your mood. Your liver prioritizes metabolizing alcohol over burning fat, resulting in the classic beer belly, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Your heart faces high blood pressure, irregular beats, and an increased risk of disease.



Image courtesy of



But you already know this, so let’s not let that little truth bomb make you stop reading.



Seeking Truth in Healing

One thing I’m grateful for is my innate need to seek truth. It’s a tough road because the truth isn’t popular. It’s often bleak and depressing, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. If you can truly resonate with your healing process and question why you feel the way you do, the world becomes a happier place to live. Your thoughts start to make sense.

What helped me? Write it down (Seriously! It took me way longer to do this than I wish it would have looking back), as if you’re speaking directly to yourself. Ask the hard questions. Then ask, “How does this benefit my life?” The answers might surprise you. You’ll start discovering parts of yourself that you never knew existed. You might even wonder how you made it this far without nurturing that “little you” inside, the part of you that’s been scared and lonely, craving forgiveness and love.




Image by author using Midjourney.


A Fresh Start with Loved Ones

Sobriety isn’t just about giving up alcohol; it’s about giving back to yourself and those you love. I have gained a deeper connection with Edan, my soulmate and partner. 

My relationships with close friends have deepened, but I’ve also found that I’ve naturally grown apart from some others. It became clear that our connection was mostly centered around drinking, and as I shifted my focus to more meaningful pursuits, those bonds faded. It’s all part of evolving and aligning with what truly matters to me, as I become more present and engaged.



"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself."   
– Deepak Chopra


My pets sensed the shift as well. Rosa, Carlito, and Lokah (all pets) became more attuned to my presence. I started paying more attention to their diets, routines, and needs. This attention and harmonization directly led to us creating Pure Pawsitivity about one month after we kicked the sauce for good!



Photos by author.



Aligning Values: Healthier Me, Healthier Pets

Sobriety aligned with one of my main core values: helping my pets live their best lives! How could I expect them to thrive if I wasn’t doing the same? As I focused on their diets, we both got healthier. It’s a full-circle moment.



"Pets remind us that living a full life means engaging with the world around us, not hiding from it."


Long-Term Benefits: A Life Built on Connection

After months without alcohol, my brain started to regenerate. My energy stabilized, and my mood lifted. The liver finally got a break, and I saw clearer skin, better digestion, and a stronger immune system.

As I healed, I found joy in the simple moments like watching Rosa explore, feeling Lokah purr beside me, and laughing at Carlito’s playful spirit. Just like me, they thrive when they feel understood and loved.

The Takeaway: Sobriety as a Path to Pure Pawsitivity™

If you are going through or thinking about a similar journey, remember that sobriety isn’t just a number, it’s a testament to how far you can go when your actions align with your values. Each day without alcohol is a step toward better health, deeper connections, and more genuine love for yourself, your loved ones, and your pets.

Sobriety isn’t a straight line. It’s a winding path, filled with highs, lows, and moments of clarity. But knowing the good it brings you and your pets can keep you going. You’re not just becoming sober; you’re becoming the best guardian you can be, giving your pets the healthy, long-living life they deserve.

You got this, one day, one choice, one connection at a time.


Image by author using Midjourney.



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