Pet Empowerment Center

  • Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.

    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.

    Nature Knows. You Don't, I Don't, and Neither Do They.   “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” — Stephen Hawking I don’t know everything. Hell, I don’t even know most things. And that’s the...

  • The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish

    The World's First 5IR Pet Wellness Company - And Why I'm Finally Hitting Publish

    __________________________________________________________________________________ I’ve been writing. Not casually. Not now and then. Constantly. Ideas spilling out. Thoughts colliding at the speed of light. The kind of creative flow that feels electric, like something bigger than me is working through my hands. And yet,...

  • A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity!

    A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity!

    A Howliday Weekend of Pure Pawsitivity! From Coffee to Raw Nutrition! The holiday buzz is here, and we’re celebrating with more than just sales—we’re bringing you 'Pawsitivity' in every sip, every scoop, and every bite! Here’s what we’ve brewed up for...

Paws for Celebrating 700 Days of Sobriety!

Reaching 700 days of sobriety feels surreal. I once thought it was laughable that I could quit drinking completely, but here I am. It feels incredible, and I am infinitely grateful.

Reading my sobriety journal today, I find it fitting that I read day 70. Those early days had their unique challenges. At 70 days sober, I was navigating physical changes, coping with triggers, and building new habits. Much like training a new puppy, it required dedication, consistency, and a lot of love.

Reflecting on the Journey

Thinking back to day 70, I remember my mindset. I was excited but scared I had done irreversible damage. My pets and wife have been by my side, offering unconditional love and support. Edan and the pups have grown with me, and now Lokah will too, as we all become stronger and more resilient as a family and company.

Celebrating Achievements

In these 700 days, I've improved my health, strengthened relationships, and grown personally. Rosa and Carlito motivate us to walk and are the best yoga partners! We practice at home with Adriene Mishler on YouTube every night. Carlito is a huge fan of Benji the Blue Heeler.

Expressing Gratitude

My wife, Edan, and our pets have been crucial to my sobriety. They sense my emotions and offer support without words. We've bonded over our shared purpose of helping pets and their guardians through nutrition and education. We're also grateful to start a new chapter learning with a renowned holistic veterinarian.

Planning Forward

The next 700 days of our sober lifestyle journey will be fun! We want to provide you with the right information to make informed decisions about your pet's nutrition needs. We have a lot in the works, so stay tuned!

Motivational Recap

Success isn’t a straight path. It starts with making and keeping promises to yourself. Start small, think long-term, and embrace delayed gratification. The hardest part is starting, but it’s worth it. The only one stopping us is the one in the mirror.

Stay Pawsitive Y'all!



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